Sunday, October 22, 2006

Africa is Kicking my Ass

This week marks the 45th Anniversary of Peace Corps. Tanzania, at that time still Tanganyika, was one of the first two Peace Corps countries, Ghana being the other one. Jen went to Dar for the celebrations, where PC bosses and some of those first volunteers gathered. Jen has been in touch with some of the very first PCVs: engineers and surveyors who built the road system, but I’m not sure if anyone she has talked with is going. Since she is in Dar I’ve been watching Imani, the moster-dog, and this is where it gets interesting.

Imani had some sort of weird eye infection, and had to have a minor procedure by Dr. Don, the Vet in town. I was charged with putting the antibiotic and prednisone drops in 4x a day. While the dog is a generally a spaz, this was not much problem… until I came down with the worst sore throat of my LIFE! It hurt so bad I couldn’t even swallow the saliva in my mouth. All this took place while the dog got more and more unruly. The first night she was OK- didn’t pee or whine or anything. The next night she decided that play-time should start at 2am. This was not cool, so I locked her in the guest bedroom. She whined a bit but soon settled down and went to sleep. Problem seemingly solved.

The next night she decided to go nuts again at around 2am, so back in the guest room she went. This time she upped it a notch, and started scratching at the door. Since my doors don’t hang level or close properly she was able to open it, and thus I had to jury-rig webbing to keep the door closed. The next morning I found the dog had destroyed the bed and torn up the pillow. Out of options, the next two nights I locked her in the shower. By Saturday morning I was feeling a bit better, so I went to Masasi for Josh’s birthday and to say good by to him and Tony, both of whom are COSing. Unfortunately, by Saturday afternoon, my voice was gone. The throat had stopped hurting but now I just felt like ass everywhere else.

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